Author: mamirios

Poor Anna & Max!

Nothing ruins a good Saturday morning like an early morning soccer game listening to parents side line coach. I’ve observed youth soccer games at all levels and the parents absolutely grind my damn soul! You can tell how much a parent knows about the sport by how they act on the side line and it’s […]

Giving Birth To Soccer

It was bound to happen, right? Your husbands’ world revolves around soccer- he eats, sleeps and breathes it and that often times gets passed down to your kiddos. We have 2 boys (ages 13 and 10) and they both play soccer. I had high hopes for hip hop dancers but I got soccer players. It […]

Seasons of Change

Every season brings change- it happens at the end and even through the beginning of each and every season; in life and in the beautiful game of soccer. As wives, we experience the heart break, the excitement and the anxiety of each season of change. We watch families pack up and move to new cities […]

~How Did I Get Here~

I knew from an early age that I didn’t want to marry a man that would wear a suit and sit behind a desk everyday. BORING! I wanted someone who is creative and adventurous; an artist. I dated all types of artists; painters, muscians- you name it. And then I met THE ONE. He was […]