Every team that my husband has been with has a special place in my heart for different reasons. They will ALWAYS hold that place in my heart. However, I am not a fan of those teams. I would presume that 95% of WAGS feel the exact same way that I do. Of course we wear the sweatshirts, buy shoes with the color of the team and our wardrobe slowly gains more articles with the colors of that team. We are supportive of that team while they are paying our bills- after we are gone, we simply take the good memories with us and leave the rest. We are not fans.
Many of us view the fan(atic)s as a pain in our asses. The ones chanting your husbands name today are the same ones chanting for him to get fired tomorrow. It’s inevitable. While the supporter section is a big part of the game, they aren’t a part of the sport and we view them as court jesters; there to provide another form of entertainment for those who showed up to be part of the fun, the atmosphere and the food but know little of the sport itself. They sing fun songs, they throw beer in the air and wear face paint and silly costumes. WAGS may clap along with them and smile but we give little to no more attention to them other than that. We are not fans.
We are there to support our husbands and boyfriends, we have grown to love the sport and we are there to watch the game and spend time with each other. The game is viewed differently from our point of view. The highs are extreme highs and the lows are extreme lows. Fans are disappointed in a loss and go on about their lives 30 mintues later. Some go to social media to communicate their disappointment. A loss changes the feeling in our homes until the next game. A loss can mean that our husbands or boyfriends may lose their job. We are not fans!
My husband was recently with a club where the coaches wives and families sat in general seating. All fine and dandy until an extreme hater has season tickets right behind you. After a tough season, one fanatic in particular, took it upon himself to be the poster boy of the fire the coach club. He hired a plane to fly around the stadium with a banner begging the team to fire the coach. He yelled horrible things at the game and my children had to sit there for an entire season and listen to this man yell for their father to lose his job along with the head coach and the rest of the coaching staff. My CHILDREN had to endure that game after game. We are not the same as the people sitting in the stadium hoping their favorite team wins so that they can justify celebrating by buying their 5th $20 beer. We are not fans.
When you enter a relationship with a player or coach your lifestyle changes. You end up watching 10+ games on TV every week. Your weekend is filled with the stress before the game, the game itself and the outcome- good or bad. You learn a lot about the sport along the way and then on game days you sit in the stands with people who look like they’ve never ran down their drive way yell things like: “shoot it!” “boot it!” “what the fuck are you doing?!” You know they don’t understand the sport and you have to sit there and keep a neutral face while internally dealing with the stress of the game. We are not fans!
If I had one piece of advice to share with the league (and all of the other soccer leagues across the world), it would be this…. provide mental health services for the families. You have no idea the toll that this takes on wives, girlfriends and children. We are not fans! Go team!